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Retiring Of The NovaChat 5

  Posted on Aug 22, 2023 - 9:18am

Our mission is to keep you actively communicating at your highest level. To ensure you have the best technology to achieve that goal, we’ve made the decision to retire the NovaChat 5. While the ...

    Products   -  novachat 5

Call For Nominations For The Annual Prentke Lecture

  Posted on Aug 21, 2023 - 9:24pm

If you’re looking for something good in the world, consider the Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture – a legacy tribute to an altruistic couple that also honors a person who reflects the joy ...

    Conferences   -  prentke lecture

Enjoy An Accessible Digital Life

  Posted on Aug 21, 2023 - 9:39am

Empower® software update 1.20 arrived with something special for new generation Accent® 1400 devices.   Join-In the fun of YouTube™, TikTok™, and WhatsApp  PRC-Saltillo...

    Products   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, accent, empower, join-in web apps, d-bur, digital life, accessibility

Advance Your Knowledge With AAC Pro Coaching Clinic

  Posted on Jul 10, 2023 - 12:49pm

AAC Coaching Corner is expanding to serve professionals through the AAC Pro Coaching Clinic. Join this six-week virtual clinic consisting of five self-paced, eLearning modules and three live, online m...

    Training   -  aac coach

What’s New For Chat Software Version 2.43

  Posted on Jul 3, 2023 - 8:55am

It’s time to update your NovaChat® and access new vocabulary words and features. To update your speech-generating device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check fo...

    Software Updates   -  saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, novachat, chat software, wordpower, speech display bar

Check out the latest improvements to TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.43.   Additional head tracking options for To...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, ios apps, head tracking, aac assessment tool, aac, wordpower, aac language lab, aac learning journey

5 Things To Know About Minspeak Academy

  Posted on Jun 7, 2023 - 9:25am

We’re thrilled to have Minspeak® Academy in the PRC-Saltillo family! Let’s play a round of “did you know?” to learn who and what Minspeak Academy is, when we first came tog...

    Educational Resources   -  minspeak, semantic compaction systems

Comfort Meets Durability In The Newest NovaChat® 8

  Posted on May 15, 2023 - 8:47am

As we celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month, let’s explore new technology available in the NovaChat® device family to help more children and adults use their unique voices. Comfort meet...

    Products   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, novachat, michael hershberger, chat software, wordpower

Minspeak Academy Master Class With Karen Kangas

  Posted on May 10, 2023 - 9:18am

Everyone has the desire and the ability to communicate despite physical and neurological challenges. The upcoming Minspeak® Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) master class led by Karen...

    Training   -  minspeak, minspeak academy, cognitive load, motor load, seating for function, positioning needs, aac, karen kangas

Summer Learning Opportunities For Professionals

  Posted on May 8, 2023 - 3:06pm

Summer is here and that’s a reason to celebrate! Thank you for a wonderful academic year of encouraging, inspiring, and helping others find their voice through AAC. Your work means so much! May ...

    Training   -  aac, speech language pathologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, assistive technology, touchchat, touchchat trainer program, the voice keeper, aac learning journey, aac language lab, minspeak academy, isaac conference


  Posted on May 2, 2023 - 2:49pm

It’s here…from trial to purchase, experience the all-new for a seamless, step-by-step process to request a speech-generating device from health insurance! Collect the ...

    AAC Funding   -  aac, aac funding,, evaluation, aac evaluation, medicare, medicaid, health insurance, how to fund an aac device, how to pay for an aac device,

Update Your Chat Software To Version 2.42

  Posted on May 1, 2023 - 8:24am

It’s time to update your NovaChat® device so you can enjoy new vocabulary features. Start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts. Wor...

    Software Updates   -  chat software update, software update, chat software, novachat, wordpower, aac, aac vocabulary, chat editor, wordpower

Check out the new features available in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.42. We regularly improve your app experience so you c...

    Software Updates   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat, apple silicon processor, apple id, realize language, chat editor, hiru, eye tracking, versaeye, aac learning journey

Hope To See You At ISAAC Cancún!

  Posted on Apr 19, 2023 - 8:43am

Hope to see you in Cancún July 24-27 as the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) presents the 19th Biennial Conference: Communication Beyond Borders. PRC...

    Conferences   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, via mini, accent, isaac, isaac conference, minspeak, semantic compaction, bruce baker, bruce baker aac globalization initiative, daniel dardiz, dave hershberger

5 Perks Of Creating A PRC-Saltillo Account

  Posted on Apr 18, 2023 - 3:57pm

Have you created your secure PRC-Saltillo account yet? Check out some of the perks a PRC-Saltillo account will open up to help make your AAC journey a little easier!  With your secure PRC-Saltil...

    Company News   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, account, create account, create secure account, secure account, funding, aac language lab, realize language, aac learning journey, aac apps, touchchat, lamp, dialogue, novachat, accent, via

Access Your World With Versa

  Posted on Apr 7, 2023 - 9:13am

For home, school, work, and play, explore new Versa™ accessories for the everyday, on-the-go iPad® user. Versa adds protection, amplification, and accessibility to your iOS experience (iPad ...

    Versa   -  prc-saltillo, aac, versa, versawrap, versaspeaker, versaeye, hiru, eye tracker, irisbond, eye tracking, touchchat, dialogue, bluetooth speaker, ios, ipados, ipad

Make plans to join us for summer learning with the four-week AAC for Families Summer Series from Minspeak Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) at PRC-Saltillo. Summer is often a more laid-ba...

    Training   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, minspeak academy, minspeak, unidad, unity, lamp, lamp words for life, language development, aac learning journey

Get ready to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month in April and Better Hearing & Speech Month in May with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s LAMP Words for Life®, TouchChat®, and Dialogue® AAC a...

    Apps   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios, sale, app sale, autism, autism acceptance month, better hearing and speech month, slp, aac slp will be under construction and offline starting at 12:01 a.m. ET on April 27 – May 2. Get ready for the all-new that will provide you with a seamless, step-by-step...

    AAC Funding   -  aac, aac funding,, evaluation, aac evaluation, medicare, medicaid, health insurance, how to fund an aac device, how to pay for an aac device,

NovaChat® 2.41 Update Now Available

  Posted on Feb 24, 2023 - 9:50am

It’s time to update your NovaChat® devices. Start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts. Now let’s look at what’s new in ...

    Software Updates   -  chat software update, software update, chat software, novachat, wordpower, logmein

Experience the newest features of Empower when you update your software to the newest 1.18 version. This user-friendly software just got even better! Noteworthy Features & Fixes You can now ad...

    Software Updates   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, accent, empower

This week, PRC-Saltillo released version 2.41 updates to our three AAC iOS Apps: TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Included in the 2.41 release are new app features, bug...

    Software Updates   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat, moveable cursor, almagu, voicekeeper, voicekeeper for kids

We’re incredibly proud of the communication apps that PRC-Saltillo develops! TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC are three of the most popular AAC apps in the indus...

    Apps   -  authorized app reseller, aac apps, touchchat, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, forbes, forbes aac, talk to me technologies

Explore AAC App Tips In One Convenient Location

  Posted on Jan 23, 2023 - 9:07am

Stay in the know with your favorite PRC-Saltillo AAC iOS Apps. Tutorials, support videos, and technology features can now be found on one YouTube Channel. Explore the ever-growing list of resources fo...

    Apps   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat

Hope To See You At ATIA 2023

  Posted on Jan 20, 2023 - 8:57am

ATIA 2023 is just around the corner! We hope to see you in Orlando January 31 to February 4! PRC-Saltillo is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of this annual conference that brings the latest assistive t...

    Conferences   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, via mini, accent, atia, atia conference, ed prentke

One, Two, Three Times The Power Of AAC

  Posted on Jan 17, 2023 - 1:58pm

We're excited to bring you the totally NEW Via® Mini and the next generations of the Accent® 800 & 1000! These three dynamic speech-generating devices are designed to help you and your AAC...

    Products   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, via mini, accent, aac partners, look eye tracking, head tracking, gorilla glass

PRC-Saltillo aspires to provide exceptional service and quality products. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce two new industry-leading warranty programs, the High Five Warranty and ...

    Products   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, warranty, high five, peace of mind, warranty coverage, device warranty, warranties

It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.40 for Dialogue® AAC, LAMP Words for Life®, and TouchChat®. To access new features for the best app experience, make ...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios

TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC by PRC-Saltillo will discontinue support for iOS 12 & iOS 13 starting with the 2.40 release coming in December 2022.  Why? Wi...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios

Voices For Veterans

  Posted on Nov 8, 2022 - 4:44pm

PRC-Saltillo Now Proudly Serving Veterans as a GSA Contractor   PRC-Saltillo is excited to announce that we have been awarded the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedu...

    Company News   -  gsa, government contract, veterans, veterans administration, va, gsa advantage, gsa schedule, general services administration

It’s Time To Update To Empower 1.17!

  Posted on Nov 4, 2022 - 12:43pm

Update to Empower 1.17 to discover more sounds added to the phonics page in Unity® and LAMP Words for Life®!  Phonics Pages provide an AAC learner with opportunities to practice word bui...

    Software Updates   -  empower, empower 1.17 nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device

Introducing The Minspeak® Academy!

  Posted on Oct 27, 2022 - 2:14pm

AAC Education Brought to You by PRC-Saltillo & Semantic Compaction Systems PRC-Saltillo is excited to announce the launch of the Minspeak Academy! This partnership with Semantic Compaction System...

    Company News   -  minspeak academy, minspeak, unity, lamp, lamp words for life, unidad, scs, semantaic compaction systems

Update Your Software To 2.39!

  Posted on Oct 25, 2022 - 4:45pm

Let’s see what’s new for the NovaChat line of devices in update version 2.39.   Voices Acapela has added new voices to include more diverse child and adult options. You can find ...

    Software Updates   -  novachat, chatfusion, wordpower, acapela, voices, grammar, francais, pretty, ugly, wordpower25

Check out the latest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC in this update:   iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 compatibility for all apps Keyguard inset support for ...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower

Get ready to celebrate AAC Awareness Month with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC apps sale October 10-16, 2022! You won't want to miss this ...

    Apps   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower

Back-to-School Implementation Ideas At Your Fingertips

  Posted on Aug 24, 2022 - 10:15am

Make Practice Time Fun with Your AAC Learner Score points with the AAC learners in your life with implementation ideas that make practicing with speech-generating devices fun and engaging! Our fan fa...

    Training   -  aac resources, aac implementation, aac language lab, chatcorner

NovaChat® 2.38 Update Now Available

  Posted on Aug 19, 2022 - 10:31am

Whiteboard has now been added to the newest 2.38 software version. Take some time today to update and get ready to have fun drawing, collaborating and sharing! Work on Literacy and Emerging Writing w...

    Software Updates   -  chat software update, software update, chat software, novachat

Group Coaching For The Back-to-School Win!

  Posted on Aug 16, 2022 - 11:11am

Exclusively Designed for Parents and Family Members of AAC Learners You’ll knock your communication partner skills out of the park with invaluable support and guidance from our AAC Group Coachi...

    Training   -  group coaching, aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Become An AAC Learning Journey All-Star!

  Posted on Aug 16, 2022 - 10:34am

Start the school year off right by training and flexing your AAC muscles with PRC-Saltillo’s AAC Learning Journey, one streamlined platform featuring a winning array of resources including e-lea...

    Educational Resources   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC apps to the newest 2.38 version and enjoy the latest these popular apps have to offer.  All Engli...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, lamp wfl, dialogue aac, lamp words for life, dialogue

Take a few moments to update your Accent device with the newest 1.16 version of Empower to experience its latest features! This easy-to-use software is made even better with these helpful updates. &n...

    Software Updates   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device

In Loving Memory Of Jane Odom

  Posted on Jul 22, 2022 - 8:55am

Forever in Our Hearts as a Friend, Colleague, and Champion for the AAC Community  Passionate. Joyful. Artistic. Fun. Caring. These are just some of the words that are consistently top of mind fo...

    Company News   -  jane odom, aac language lab

Designed for active, on-the-go communicators, the NovaChat 10's generously sized screen is perfect for users with vision challenges and access needs. This popular, lightweight speech-generating device...

    Products   -  novachat 10, update, novachat update, novachat 10 device, novachat device, novachat

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat app or the Chat software on your NovaChat to the newest 2.37 version and experience the latest improvements to these powerful communication solutions. &nbs...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, chat software update

Be sure to update your Accent device with the newest 1.15 version of Empower to take advantage of the latest features that make this easy-to-use, intuitive software better than ever!  Exciting N...

    Software Updates   -  empower, update, software update, accent, accent device

Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 2:43pm

 Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents look...

    Educational Resources   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Ideal for users at the beginning of their AAC journey or for individuals with motor or vision challenges, WordPower25 Español features a robust vocabulary in 25 buttons that align as closely as...

    Software Updates   -  wordpower, touchchat, espanol, aac, prc-saltillo, nancy inman, core words, vocabulary, aac vocabulary

Try TouchChat® FREE For 30 Days!

  Posted on Apr 12, 2022 - 9:19am

You asked and we listened…introducing the new TouchChat® Discover app! TouchChat Discover’s risk-free, 30-day trial allows you to experience everything our popular TouchChat app has t...

    Company News   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update

Accent® Software Updates Are Here!

  Posted on Feb 24, 2022 - 1:25pm

It’s time to update your Accent device to the newest software version – Empower 1.14 or NuVoice 2.24. Here are some of the cool new features you’ll find in the latest updates: Accen...

    Software Updates   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device

Update Your PRC-Saltillo IOS AAC Apps To 2.35!

  Posted on Feb 11, 2022 - 5:50pm

It’s time to update your TouchChat®, LAMP Words For Life®, and Dialogue™ AAC apps! Check out what’s new! TOUCHCHAT®, LAMP WORDS FOR LIFE®, AND DIALOGUE™ AAC &...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower