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LAMP Words for Life Logo
Dialogue AAC App
AAC Funding
AAC Learning Journey
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Have you created your secure PRC-Saltillo account yet? Check out some of the perks a PRC-Saltillo account will open up to help make your AAC journey a little easier!

 With your secure PRC-Saltillo account, you can:

Collect, collaborate, and apply on the new AAC Funding Portal coming May 3, 2023

Get ready for the all-new that will provide you with a seamless, step-by-step process to request a speech-generating device from health insurance! Collect the information you need. Collaborate with AAC team members in the same shared space. Apply by submitting your funding request. [


Tailor your own AAC eLearning experience and join live webinars on AAC Learning Journey

Flex your AAC muscles with AAC Learning Journey, one streamlined platform featuring a winning array of resources including eLearning classes and instructor-led trainings. You’ll score big with 24/7 access to invaluable educational resources that will equip you and your team with the knowledge you need to empower AAC communicators.


Subscribe to the AAC Language Lab for 24/7 unlimited access to all content

Get innovative and interactive tools and materials for supporting students who use an AAC device. All materials are available where and when you want them on a variety of platforms, making teaching and learning language convenient and fun! Learn More!

Use data to monitor, measure, and maximize use of an AAC device with a subscription to Realize Language

Realize Language organizes and analyzes data logs from PRC-Saltillo devices and presents the results in easy-to-understand graphic formats. With it you can track progress and communication over time, share information with all communication partners, quickly create valuable reports that are easy to understand, and more! Learn More!


Purchase support packages for AAC Apps

Use your PRC-Saltillo account to purchase and log into your support plans for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC. Learn more at TouchChat or LAMP Words for Life!

What are you waiting for!? Create your account today! 

Company News  -    prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, account, create account, create secure account, secure account, funding, aac language lab, realize language, aac learning journey, aac apps, touchchat, lamp, dialogue, novachat, accent, via