Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a powerful way to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) experience independence and inclusion. And yet, many adult...
Public speaking may come to mind when you first learn about Toastmasters, but the heart of this international nonprofit organization is leadership. Toastmasters is an education program that focuses on...
It’s time to upgrade your Chat Software to version 2.48 and access new WordPower® vocabulary! Your overall communication experience improves with regular updates. Here’s how to make th...
If you've just purchased one of PRC-Saltillo’s AAC apps, here are some classes to help you get started! Register for the following courses (and many more!) through AAC Learning Journey. Set up...
It’s time to update your iOS AAC apps to version 2.48 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! To improve the quality of y...
Summer is just around the corner! Congratulations to all the rock-star professionals for an incredible academic year of helping others find their voice through AAC. Here are seven ways to rock on with...
Anthony Arnold’s presentation is rescheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 7:00-8:00 pm ET. Enroll today and be part of this amazing event! If you previously registered for the May 14 event, pleas...
The CAMA 2024 Virtual Conference is the online place to be! Join the fun on Saturday, May 11 for this interactive experience to learn and explore augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). PRC...
Updated 5/2/24 to remove additional weekend hours. 4/25/2024 update: (weekend hours added for 4/27 & 4/28) 4/22/2024 update: (correction to AC 800 Serial numbers and instructions within th...
April is Autism Acceptance Month and is a celebration and movement to promote inclusion and connection for people with autism. Autism is experienced differently by each person and supporting their goa...
Keep your AAC solution in rock-star condition for the best in communication! Follow these tips to use your voice at your highest level. Frequently clean your AAC device Let’s be real. Devices ...
One of the newest AAC Learning Journey eLearning courses, The Descriptive Teaching Method, features a knowledgeable and highly respected instructor. Gail M. Van Tatenhove, P.A., M.S., CCC/SLP has been...
Are you amped up for our two-week app sale – April 24 to May 7, 2024?! It’s an awesome time to save 50% on PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® ...
Get amped up for 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Save the date – Wednesday, April 24 through Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – for this t...
It’s time to upgrade your Chat Software to version 2.47 and access new features and vocabulary! Your overall communication experience improves with regular updates. Here’s how to make them...
Hey, TouchChat Community! We’ve got a software update for you. Please update to version 2.47.1 to enjoy the full functionality of our recent software release. Don’t miss out on the best of...
There isn’t one set way for an AAC communication partner to be a rock star. Each learner is unique and so is each AAC team member. Here are six ways to show off your rock-star attitude with AAC ...
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology are life changing for individuals who are non-speaking. A professional is often a major factor in matching them with their bes...
Empower® software update 1.21 brings even more digital engagement for new generation Accent® 1400 devices. Join-In the fun of Facebook™ and Messenger Join-In web apps, created by a par...
You’ve heard about VersaEye™. You love all things Apple®. You’re impressed that it’s built with the MFi-certified Hiru™ eye tracker and you know your iPad® is com...
Curious about the new VersaEye™? Let’s explore how this assistive technology works seamlessly with your iPad®’s operating system. MFi-Certified Hiru Eye Tracker The VersaEye is...
In early July, 2024, voice options in the LAMP Words for Life® app will change and Ivona voices will no longer be accessible. We wanted to inform you of this change in advance so you have time to ...
Full of passion, enthusiasm, and creativity, Jane Odom loved her role as developer and curator of the AAC Language Lab®. She was a rock star for AAC and enjoyed making engaging materials for those...
LAMP Words for Life® is a well-loved app with its consistent motor plans and multi-meaning symbols. 2023 brought head tracking and Canadian French to the app. And now it’s time to expand aga...
AAC Coaching Corner is expanding again! Become a better communication partner for your loved one with AAC Custom Coaching. Your personalized session is packed with fun engagement through a combination...
ATIA 2024 is just around the corner! We hope to see you in sunny Orlando January 25-27 for the annual Assistive Technology Industry Association conference known as the leading community-building and l...
Digital accessibility with eye tracking for iPadOS is here! Introducing VersaEye™ with Hiru™ by IRISBOND™! Home, work, school, and play, it’s time to access your world! ...
Check out the newest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.46. And remember, your overall app experience improves with...
Update your Chat Software to version 2.46 and access new features and vocabulary! Let’s go! To update your NovaChat® device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check...
If you’re contemplating your first or next communication device, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s unpack all that these two new-generation Accent® models – Accent 800 ...
Our iOS speech-generating device family grew by one this past year. Get to know the Via® Mini by the numbers for insight into this durable, portable, and dare-we-say adorable device. One...
For the past year, we’ve had the distinct honor of holding a General Services Administration (GSA) contract. This partnership helps give a voice to those who have sacrificed so much for our free...
While the journey of augmentative and alternative communication, or AAC, begins for some in childhood, it’s an incredible option for adults as well. Individuals with language difficulties acquir...
ASHA 2023 is just a few weeks away! We hope to see you in Boston November 16-18 for this premier convention for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists...
Update your Chat Software to version 2.45 and access new features and vocabulary! Let’s go! To update your NovaChat® device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check...
faites défiler vers le bas pour le français canadien When you can’t speak, life can feel overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be that way! Experience the life-changin...
It’s time to update your iOS AAC apps to version 2.45 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! New features f...
Whether you’re considering a speech-generating device (SGD) for the first time, or looking for your next model, these fun facts about the newest generation NovaChat® 8 will spark your curios...
Do you know the ins and outs of funding for your speech-generating device (SGD)? At PRC-Saltillo, we understand the process and will work with you to ensure success. Follow these 5 tips to get started...
It’s time to celebrate AAC Awareness Month! Keep the AAC momentum going so more people can have a voice. Here are 10 ways to make the most of this most amazing month! Celebrate your AAC team E...
Have you heard about the new InputStick computer controls accessory for NovaChat® devices? You’re in tough competition to be as excited about the value this new feature will bring to AAC com...
Closing The Gap 2023 returns next month! We hope to see you in Minneapolis October 11-13! PRC-Saltillo is proud to sponsor this three-day conference that helps transform learning with assistive techno...
Enjoy 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC apps during the Biggest AAC App Sale of the Year! Mark your calendar for October 11-17, 2023. Do not ...
Post Updated 3/26/24 Do you serve multilingual clients and want to help them thrive with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)? We have a special course for you! Minspeak® Academy (fo...
Are you an AAC evaluator who has clients with private-insurance-only plans resetting on January 1? Are you a caregiver for a loved one needing an AAC solution with a private-insurance-only plan resett...
Computer Controls Available with the New InputStick Check out the new device accessory that empowers NovaChat communicators with computer controls! Purchase your InputStick, a wireless USB receiver a...
The training and implementation team at PRC-Saltillo is pleased to bring you relevant resources to help your students succeed with AAC in the classroom! We’ve recently updated our approach to ou...
Have you heard the news? Head tracking is now available for the LAMP Words for Life® iOS app! The head tracking access method began with app version 2.44 which was released in August 2023. Head T...
Check out the latest changes in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.44. Introducing Head Tracking for the LAMP Words for Life ap...
School’s in session! Check out these five tips from your PRC-Saltillo classroom. Get ready to communicate and watch your students excel with AAC! Equip your learners – make the comm...