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It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.50 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Your overall app experience improves with updates too. Go to the settings menu and update today! Remember to make sure your device is operating with iOS version 15.0 or later.

Watch the What’s New video for update highlights. Read the details below for more information.

Two AAC Vocabularies in Mandarin/Simplified Chinese

MultiChat 15 or 多聊15 青少年 (MC15) and Communication Journey: Aphasia or 沟通之旅:失语症 (CJA) have been adapted to Mandarin (spoken) and Simplified Chinese (written). These vocabularies are now included at no cost in the TouchChat app! If your iOS device is set up in Simplified Chinese, you’ll see app language support in Simplified Chinese.

These adapted files feature:

  • 400+ new culturally appropriate symbols from SymbolStix
  • Voice options from Almagu and Apple®
  • Translated menu prompts

Below is a page in the adapted MultiChat 15 (Adolescent) vocabulary highlighting food options.

MultiChat 15 Food Options Screen

Here’s the adapted social page in Communication Journey: Aphasia.

Adapted Social page Aphasia

Learn more about these new vocabulary files, the Bruce Baker AAC Globalization Initiative, and the winning project team who worked diligently to bring AAC to even more people in the Mandarin-speaking community.

Updates to Your Vocabulary Library List

Apps come pre-loaded with multiple AAC vocabulary files. Standard or original vocabulary files must be copied and saved with a new name before you can access editing options. The lock icon has been removed. When you select them, a pop-up now appears with the choice to open or customize. If you choose to customize, you’ll be prompted to name your new file and then it will automatically open.

To help you stay organized and easily find the file you’re looking for a "My Files" section has been added at the top of the list for all customized files. Standard or original vocabulary files are now categorized by language.

Manual Export for Data Logging

Many of you choose to measure and maximize AAC data using Realize Language™. This user-friendly resource helps AAC teams determine where progress is being made and where new goals and strategies can be added. With update 2.50, you can manually export data logging from your app. This replaces the need to use iTunes® for manual exports. Find this feature here: Menu > Settings > (Data Logging) > Export Log.

New Go to Vocabulary Button

A new button action called “Go to Vocabulary” has been added for all apps that allows you to directly switch between vocabulary files. Add a button with this action to your vocabulary file and when selected, you will go to the new vocabulary file of your choosing. The second vocabulary file will need a similar button if you would like to go back and forth between two vocabulary files.

This new button action is beneficial if:

  • you are considering vocabularies with different button sizes and frequently switch between them
  • you are a communication partner modeling for multiple communicators who have different vocabulary files
  • you are working with a vocabulary that has hidden words and you want to show all words for modeling more language

New AAC Vocabulary for TouchChat with WordPower

The WordPower® team makes updates to benefit your communication experience. Check out the new words added in update 2.50.

WordPower 60 Basic (English)

Buttons for “stripes” and “polka dots” have been added to the CLOTHING pages so communicators can talk about these patterns.

WordPower 60 Basic Stripe Button

A button for the noun “line” has been added to the SHAPES page to create an opportunity to talk about lines on paper, roads, and more.

WordPower 60 Basic Shapes Button

A button for the adjective “squiggly” has been added to the DESCRIBE pages because not all lines are straight.

WordPower 60 Basic Squiggly Button

WordPower 42 Basic

Past participle verbs are now included with core verbs and subsequent ACTIONS pages so communicators can use this verb tense.

WordPower 42 Basic Actions Page

October is AAC Awareness Month

Start AAC Awareness Month strong as Kevin Williams, PRC-Saltillo Contractor for Training and Education, Products and Services hosts a panel webinar “Voices of AAC: What is Your Professional Vibe as an AAC User” on Tuesday, October 1. Learn more about this leadership-focused event and other AAC Awareness Month celebrations.

Software Updates