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App 2.34 Enhancements Including NEW Inclusive Voices

  Posted on Dec 13, 2021 - 11:13am

On December 9th, 2021, PRC-Saltillo released version 2.34 updates to its three AAC industry-leading iOS Apps: TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Included in the 2.34 rel...

    Software Updates

Files created in software version 2.34 or higher cannot be imported into devices running software version 2.33.2 or lower. This affects any file backed up, transferred, or exported from software vers...

    Software Updates

Playground Core Communication Boards From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Nov 16, 2021 - 12:23pm

Recess. Is there any other time at school that children like as much as time spent playing? Children who use AAC, however, face a unique challenge. When playing outside with their classmates, taking ...

    Educational Resources   -  aac, playground, core boards for playgrounds, aac playground boards

Consider, Try, And Trial: What Is The Difference?

  Posted on Nov 15, 2021 - 2:20pm

Consideration of alternatives: As part of an SGD evaluation, the SLP must discuss other device alternatives that could be used to treat the client’s condition. Consideration of alternatives, fir...

    AAC Funding

PRC-Saltillo Pricing Increase

  Posted on Nov 11, 2021 - 12:33pm

Businesses around the world have been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and pricing pressures. PRC-Saltillo is no exception. Due to increased...

    Company News

Semantic Compaction Systems And PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Nov 9, 2021 - 12:15pm

The connection between Prentke Romich Company (PRC) and Semantic Compaction Systems (SCS) is one rooted in friendship and common goals. Barry Romich recalls that he first met Bruce Baker at a confer...

    Company News

by Patrick Fothergill, Ontario AAC Consultant & SLP As an AAC-focused SLP with connections to Quebec and northern & eastern Ontario, among other places, I often hear from people seeking Frenc...

    Products   -  wordpower, french, français, bilingual, aac, language, vocabulary, canada, novachat, touchchat

PRC-Saltillo and ISAAC are thrilled to jointly announce the establishment of the “Bruce Baker AAC Globalization Initiative." Bruce Baker was introduced to the world of AAC in the early ...

    Company News   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communication, aac languages, foreign language aac

It’s Time To Update To Dialogue™ AAC 2.33.0

  Posted on Oct 7, 2021 - 1:15pm

Dialogue AAC Update 2.33.0 is here…read below for important information. Starting with this 2.33.0 release, support is discontinued for iOS 11. Why? With every release, we ensure that ne...

    Software Updates   -  dialogue aac, aac, aac app, dialogue aac update, ios dialogue aac, prc app, prc-saltillo app, saltillo app

AAC Group Coaching

  Posted on Oct 7, 2021 - 9:41am

New! For parents/caregivers interested in learning how to be more effective when interacting with a child using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Working with a new speech-generatin...

    Training   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communication, aac coaching, coaching for aac, aac help coach

In an attempt to secure funding for an SGD, an SLP may be met with a deferral or denial from a funding source, where the information provided somehow did not meet the requirements of the funding sourc...

    AAC Funding

It's a question we hear fairly often: Keyguards? TouchGuides? KeyGuides? What are they? How are they different? How do I know what to buy? Keyguards, TouchGuides, KeyGuides: A Definition Keyguards, ...

    AAC Funding   -  keyguard, touchguide, keyguides, whats the difference, aac, talker, aac device guides

Before setting out to write a report for a speech generating device (SGD) for your client, you must identify the funding source or sources that your client is eligible for, as well as the correspondin...

    AAC Funding

Telling The Story Behind The Trial Data

  Posted on Oct 14, 2020 - 2:53pm

Several funding sources including many private insurance plans and state Medicaid programs, require a device trial to objectively show the client’s ability to use the recommended SGD as part of ...

    AAC Funding

Is your client considering upgrading to a new device? Here are some questions you can ask and considerations to be made when making a request for a new device: Before considering replacement: Has ...

    AAC Funding   -  speech generating device, sgd, sgd repair, sgd replacement, replace talker, repair talker, repair speech device, replace speech device

Least Costly Equally Effective Alternative

  Posted on Oct 14, 2020 - 2:46pm

Least costly equally effective alternative, or LCEEA, is a valuable phrase to understand when putting together evaluation report. LCEEA is defined as the least costly, equally effective SGD alternati...

    AAC Funding   -  sgd, speech generating device, sgd alternatives

Standardized Assessment In AAC Evaluations

  Posted on Oct 14, 2020 - 2:44pm

— by Beth Studdiford Standardized Assessment is defined on the ASHA website as an empirically developed evaluation tool with established reliability and validity. Formal testing may be useful f...

    AAC Funding   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communication, aac evaluations, standardized evaluations, aac assessments

Establishing Medical Necessity In Your SGD Report

  Posted on Oct 14, 2020 - 2:41pm

Establishing the medical necessity of an SGD for your client is the primary goal of your SGD evaluation report and it can be a daunting task. What are medically based funding sources looking for in SG...

    AAC Funding   -  medical necessity, speech generating devices, evaluation, sgd evaluation, aac evaluation