Our mission is to keep you actively communicating at your highest level. To ensure you have the best technology to achieve that goal, we’ve made the decision to retire the NovaChat 5. While the ...
If you’re looking for something good in the world, consider the Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture – a legacy tribute to an altruistic couple that also honors a person who reflects the joy ...
AAC Coaching Corner is expanding to serve professionals through the AAC Pro Coaching Clinic. Join this six-week virtual clinic consisting of five self-paced, eLearning modules and three live, online m...
It’s time to update your NovaChat® and access new vocabulary words and features. To update your speech-generating device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check fo...
Check out the latest improvements to TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.43. Additional head tracking options for To...
We’re thrilled to have Minspeak® Academy in the PRC-Saltillo family! Let’s play a round of “did you know?” to learn who and what Minspeak Academy is, when we first came tog...
Everyone has the desire and the ability to communicate despite physical and neurological challenges. The upcoming Minspeak® Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) master class led by Karen...
Summer is here and that’s a reason to celebrate! Thank you for a wonderful academic year of encouraging, inspiring, and helping others find their voice through AAC. Your work means so much! May ...