The latest version of Empower® software brings new features and vocabulary updates. Update your device to Empower 1.26 today! How to Update Your Accent Device To update, plug your Accent® de...
Launched in 2020 to be your iOS communication devices, Via® is the first fully PRC-Saltillo product line. It represents the pioneering mission and values of Prentke Romich Company and Saltillo Com...
App update 2.52 brings exciting changes to language organization in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Your overall app experience improves with updates too. Update today...
Chat Software 2.52 brings access to new features and vocabulary! Please be aware of prompts that require your attention during the update. Just for update 2.52: Pick a 15-minute window of time when ...
Via® Nano represents the power of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in a compact design. This speech-generating device pairs well with your active lifestyle. Lightweight and comfort...
Nancy Inman, speech-language pathologist (SLP) and innovative leader in the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), is the creator of the WordPower® suite of vocabularies. She&r...
We love words! We love books! Reading too! They help everyone develop language, literacy, and communication skills. March is National Reading Month and you’re invited to participate in activitie...
Getting Started with Mounts for AAC There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to mounts (see #1 below), but we’ve compiled some general information and terminology that can h...
PRC-Saltillo offers training and coaching opportunities to help your family improve your augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) skills. You might be asking yourself if training and coaching ...
Save Big on iPad®-Compatible VersaWraps™! 33% OFF December 9-13 only on Amazon! Purchase yours during the Holiday Sale taking place Monday, December 9 through Friday, December 13, 2024. If ...
From trial to purchase, the AAC Funding Portal offers a secure, step-by-step process to fund a speech-generating device (SGD) through health insurance. With your suggestions for this important tool, w...
The Versa™ product family features accessories for your iPad® to help you enjoy technology benefits to the full. Whether you use your iPad for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC...
PRC-Saltillo is pleased to announce a newly adapted WordPower® vocabulary file in Mandarin/Simplified Chinese, available now on the iOS app TouchChat® HD with WordPower (2.51 or newer), or on ...
Are you ready for ATIA 2025? We’re excited to see you in sunny Orlando January 30 to February 1 for the annual Assistive Technology Industry Association conference known as the leading community...
The 5th Northeast AAC Summit: NYC brought professionals from different backgrounds together with the collective goal of building independent communicators. This one-day gathering was held on the ninth...
Keeping up with software updates gives you the best communication experience on your NovaChat®. Chat Software 2.51 includes vocabulary updates for WordPower® and MultiChat 15. Check out what&r...
Wooster, Ohio (November 14, 2024) – PRC-Saltillo announces the retirement of CEO Dave Hershberger after 40+ years of distinguished service and leadership in the field of augmentative and alterna...
Update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.51 and experience the best of TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Go to the App Store to start your update! Make sure your d...
Use your Accent® as a Wireless Keyboard for a Personal Computer With InputStick, you can use your AAC vocabulary as a keyboard and enjoy writing and connecting with friends and family on your per...
Update the software on your Accent® device for minor features, maintenance, and bug fixes to keep you communicating at your best. Your device can be updated through Wi-Fi again, or you can downloa...
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) makes so much possible, and we want you to experience the best of connection, exploration, independence, and more! You are the reason why we offer AAC ...
Why we offer AAC training Receiving a communication device is the beginning of someone’s AAC journey. It’s exciting to open your PRC-Saltillo box and turn on your device for the first tim...
We hope to see you at the Seattle Convention Center December 5-7 for ASHA 2024—the premier conference for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists...
It’s time to upgrade your Chat Software to version 2.50 and access new features and vocabulary within WordPower®! Your overall communication experience improves with regular updates too. Her...
Enjoy an accessible digital life with Join-In web apps now available on all new Accent® devices! Join-In Web Apps for Accent In partnership with D-Bur, connect digitally on five popular apps: ...
Connect with AAC communicators and teams around the world during AAC Awareness Month! The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) hosts The Vibes of AAC Virtual Ev...
Alongside the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) and the 2022 Bruce Baker award winners, PRC-Saltillo is excited to announce the release of two AAC vocabulari...
It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.50 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC! Your overall app e...
The next-generation Xtreme™ Cases are now available for Accent® 800-40 and Accent 1000-40 devices! With an updated design, material, and texture, the Xtreme Case offers an extra layer of pro...
Are you ready to make AAC magic with our two-week monster sale – October 2-15, 2024?! It’s an incredible time to save 50% on PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, ...
Get 50% off Apps and Imagine Your World with AAC! What do you get when you mix the magic of communication with a monster of a sale? 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life&re...
October is AAC Awareness Month – a month to acknowledge all that augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can do to give people a voice in person and in digital spaces. It’s also a...
High-tech augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) empowers individuals to participate in personal, school, and workplace environments. AAC devices allow you to communicate needs, wants, quest...
The perspective and participation of individuals with disabilities make communities stronger. Everyone is worthy of being fully present and heard in all the spaces of your choosing. Augmentative and a...
The 42nd Annual Closing The Gap Conference returns in October! We hope to see you in Minneapolis for networking and idea exchanging on October 22-24! This favorite conference has a new location for 20...
Make plans to be part of the 6th Northeast AAC Summit: Worcester, Massachusetts! Gather with other AAC professionals like you this Spring for collaboration, community, and capacity strengthening. Teac...
The Northeast AAC Summit, planned and presented by PRC-Saltillo’s Northeast regional consultant team, grew out of a desire to stay connected to the professional AAC community during the coronavi...
This is the third article of a three-part series on AAC and aphasia created from an interview with the co-authors of the AAC vocabulary Communication Journey: Aphasia. Special thanks to Lois Turner, A...
This is the second article of a three-part series on AAC and aphasia created from an interview with the co-authors of the AAC vocabulary Communication Journey: Aphasia. Special thanks to Lois Turner, ...
This is the first article of a three-part series on AAC and aphasia created from an interview with the co-authors of the AAC vocabulary Communication Journey: Aphasia. Special thanks to Lois Turner, A...
Get your AAC solution back-to-school ready! Start by updating your device or app to the latest software version, then explore these additional features from across the Accent®, NovaChat®, Via&...
Back-to-school season is here. It’s time to get ready to learn! Learning readiness is one of the principles of the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP)™ approach. It applies...
Experience the best of Empower® when you update your software! The 1.23/1.24 updates – including new voice options and enhanced scanning features – were made to help you succeed even f...
Hey, NovaChat® Community! We’ve got a software update for you, especially if you frequently use WordPower® 60 Basic. Please update to version 2.49.1 to enjoy the full functionality of th...
Check out the latest news for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC with update version 2.49. To access new app features, make sure your device is operating with iOS version ...
Our communication devices got a warranty upgrade last year bringing you the industry-best High Five Warranty for five years of coverage. Life happens sometimes and we want you rocking with AAC! The Hi...
As a school-based professional you have much to consider when it comes to selecting assistive technology for your students. While meeting the complex communication needs in your school district is uni...
TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC by PRC-Saltillo will discontinue support for iOS 14 starting with the 2.49 release coming in July 2024. AAC iOS App Support ...
Students can accomplish what matters most to them with VersaEye™. Communication, participation, extra-curriculars—anything their iPad® can do, they can do! Here are examples of how you...
Today, we’re talking eye tracking and VersaEye™ with Shawn Malcomson, M.S., ED., ATP. Shawn’s focus is making life and communication more accessible through assistive technology. He ...