Update your Chat Software to version 2.46 and access new features and vocabulary! Let’s go! To update your NovaChat® device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check...
Check out the newest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.46. And remember, your overall app experience improves with...
Digital accessibility with eye tracking for iPadOS is here! Introducing VersaEye™ with Hiru™ by IRISBOND™! Home, work, school, and play, it’s time to access your world! ...
ATIA 2024 is just around the corner! We hope to see you in sunny Orlando January 25-27 for the annual Assistive Technology Industry Association conference known as the leading community-building and l...
AAC Coaching Corner is expanding again! Become a better communication partner for your loved one with AAC Custom Coaching. Your personalized session is packed with fun engagement through a combination...