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Take a few moments to update your TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC apps to the newest 2.38 version and enjoy the latest these popular apps have to offer.  All Engli...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, lamp wfl, dialogue aac, lamp words for life, dialogue

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat app or the Chat software on your NovaChat to the newest 2.37 version and experience the latest improvements to these powerful communication solutions. &nbs...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat update, chat software update

National Speech-Language-Hearing Month 2024

  Posted on Apr 29, 2024 - 10:54am

Anthony Arnold’s presentation is rescheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 7:00-8:00 pm ET. Enroll today and be part of this amazing event!  If you previously registered for the May 14 event, pleas...

    Educational Resources   -  national speech language hearing month

Minspeak Academy Master Class With Karen Kangas

  Posted on May 10, 2023 - 9:18am

Everyone has the desire and the ability to communicate despite physical and neurological challenges. The upcoming Minspeak® Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) master class led by Karen...

    Training   -  minspeak, minspeak academy, cognitive load, motor load, seating for function, positioning needs, aac, karen kangas

Master Class With Gail M. Van Tatenhove

  Posted on May 19, 2024 - 9:36pm

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a powerful way to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) experience independence and inclusion. And yet, many adult...

    Training   -  intellectual and developmental disabilities

Mandarin/Simplified Chinese For WordPower

  Posted on Nov 21, 2024 - 12:08pm

PRC-Saltillo is pleased to announce a newly adapted WordPower® vocabulary file in Mandarin/Simplified Chinese, available now on the iOS app TouchChat® HD with WordPower (2.51 or newer), or on ...


Experience the newest features of Empower when you update your software to the newest 1.18 version. This user-friendly software just got even better! Noteworthy Features & Fixes You can now ad...

    Software Updates   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, accent, empower

Least Costly Equally Effective Alternative

  Posted on Oct 14, 2020 - 2:46pm

Least costly equally effective alternative, or LCEEA, is a valuable phrase to understand when putting together evaluation report. LCEEA is defined as the least costly, equally effective SGD alternati...

    AAC Funding   -  sgd, speech generating device, sgd alternatives

Take a few moments to update your Accent device with the newest 1.16 version of Empower to experience its latest features! This easy-to-use software is made even better with these helpful updates. &n...

    Software Updates   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device

It’s time to update your iOS AAC apps to version 2.45 so you can experience all that’s new with TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC!   New features f...

    Software Updates