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Educational Resources

5 Back-To-School Tips For AAC In The Classroom

  Posted on Aug 23, 2023 - 10:15am

School’s in session! Check out these five tips from your PRC-Saltillo classroom. Get ready to communicate and watch your students excel with AAC!  Equip your learners – make the comm...

    Educational Resources   -  aac in the classroom

5 Things To Know About Minspeak Academy

  Posted on Jun 7, 2023 - 9:25am

We’re thrilled to have Minspeak® Academy in the PRC-Saltillo family! Let’s play a round of “did you know?” to learn who and what Minspeak Academy is, when we first came tog...

    Educational Resources   -  minspeak, semantic compaction systems

Become An AAC Learning Journey All-Star!

  Posted on Aug 16, 2022 - 10:34am

Start the school year off right by training and flexing your AAC muscles with PRC-Saltillo’s AAC Learning Journey, one streamlined platform featuring a winning array of resources including e-lea...

    Educational Resources   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 2:43pm

 Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents look...

    Educational Resources   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearning, live classes, online classes, resources

Playground Core Communication Boards From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Nov 16, 2021 - 12:23pm

Recess. Is there any other time at school that children like as much as time spent playing? Children who use AAC, however, face a unique challenge. When playing outside with their classmates, taking ...

    Educational Resources   -  aac, playground, core boards for playgrounds, aac playground boards