Curious about the new VersaEye™? Let’s explore how this assistive technology works seamlessly with your iPad®’s operating system. MFi-Certified Hiru Eye Tracker The VersaEye is...
LAMP Words for Life® is a well-loved app with its consistent motor plans and multi-meaning symbols. 2023 brought head tracking and Canadian French to the app. And now it’s time to expand aga...
In early July, 2024, voice options in the LAMP Words for Life® app will change and Ivona voices will no longer be accessible. We wanted to inform you of this change in advance so you have time to ...
You’ve heard about VersaEye™. You love all things Apple®. You’re impressed that it’s built with the MFi-certified Hiru™ eye tracker and you know your iPad® is com...
Full of passion, enthusiasm, and creativity, Jane Odom loved her role as developer and curator of the AAC Language Lab®. She was a rock star for AAC and enjoyed making engaging materials for those...
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology are life changing for individuals who are non-speaking. A professional is often a major factor in matching them with their bes...
Empower® software update 1.21 brings even more digital engagement for new generation Accent® 1400 devices. Join-In the fun of Facebook™ and Messenger Join-In web apps, created by a par...