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Check out the new features available in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.42. We regularly improve your app experience so you c...

    Software Updates   -  aac, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue aac, touch chat, apple silicon processor, apple id, realize language, chat editor, hiru, eye tracking, versaeye, aac learning journey

Hope To See You At ISAAC Cancún!

  Posted on Apr 19, 2023 - 8:43am

Hope to see you in Cancún July 24-27 as the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) presents the 19th Biennial Conference: Communication Beyond Borders. PRC...

    Conferences   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, via mini, accent, isaac, isaac conference, minspeak, semantic compaction, bruce baker, bruce baker aac globalization initiative, daniel dardiz, dave hershberger

5 Perks Of Creating A PRC-Saltillo Account

  Posted on Apr 18, 2023 - 3:57pm

Have you created your secure PRC-Saltillo account yet? Check out some of the perks a PRC-Saltillo account will open up to help make your AAC journey a little easier!  With your secure PRC-Saltil...

    Company News   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, account, create account, create secure account, secure account, funding, aac language lab, realize language, aac learning journey, aac apps, touchchat, lamp, dialogue, novachat, accent, via

Access Your World With Versa

  Posted on Apr 7, 2023 - 9:13am

For home, school, work, and play, explore new Versa™ accessories for the everyday, on-the-go iPad® user. Versa adds protection, amplification, and accessibility to your iOS experience (iPad ...

    Versa   -  prc-saltillo, aac, versa, versawrap, versaspeaker, versaeye, hiru, eye tracker, irisbond, eye tracking, touchchat, dialogue, bluetooth speaker, ios, ipados, ipad

Make plans to join us for summer learning with the four-week AAC for Families Summer Series from Minspeak Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) at PRC-Saltillo. Summer is often a more laid-ba...

    Training   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, minspeak academy, minspeak, unidad, unity, lamp, lamp words for life, language development, aac learning journey