Update your Chat Software to version 2.45 and access new features and vocabulary! Let’s go! To update your NovaChat® device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check...
Computer Controls Available with the New InputStick Check out the new device accessory that empowers NovaChat communicators with computer controls! Purchase your InputStick, a wireless USB receiver a...
It’s here…from trial to purchase, experience the all-new AACfunding.com for a seamless, step-by-step process to request a speech-generating device from health insurance! Collect the ...
The 42nd Annual Closing The Gap Conference returns in October! We hope to see you in Minneapolis for networking and idea exchanging on October 22-24! This favorite conference has a new location for 20...
Closing The Gap 2023 returns next month! We hope to see you in Minneapolis October 11-13! PRC-Saltillo is proud to sponsor this three-day conference that helps transform learning with assistive techno...
Designed for active, on-the-go communicators, the NovaChat 10's generously sized screen is perfect for users with vision challenges and access needs. This popular, lightweight speech-generating device...
This week, PRC-Saltillo released version 2.41 updates to our three AAC iOS Apps: TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Included in the 2.41 release are new app features, bug...
Check out the latest improvements to TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.43. Additional head tracking options for To...
Chat Software 2.52 brings access to new features and vocabulary! Please be aware of prompts that require your attention during the update. Just for update 2.52: Pick a 15-minute window of time when ...