Post Updated 3/26/24 Do you serve multilingual clients and want to help them thrive with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)? We have a special course for you! Minspeak® Academy (fo...
Enjoy 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC apps during the Biggest AAC App Sale of the Year! Mark your calendar for October 11-17, 2023. Do not ...
Are you an AAC evaluator who has clients with private-insurance-only plans resetting on January 1? Are you a caregiver for a loved one needing an AAC solution with a private-insurance-only plan resett...
Computer Controls Available with the New InputStick Check out the new device accessory that empowers NovaChat communicators with computer controls! Purchase your InputStick, a wireless USB receiver a...
Closing The Gap 2023 returns next month! We hope to see you in Minneapolis October 11-13! PRC-Saltillo is proud to sponsor this three-day conference that helps transform learning with assistive techno...
Have you heard about the new InputStick computer controls accessory for NovaChat® devices? You’re in tough competition to be as excited about the value this new feature will bring to AAC com...