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It’s time to update your Accent device to the newest software version – Empower 1.14 or NuVoice 2.24. Here are some of the cool new features you’ll find in the latest updates:

Accent with Empower 1.14

  • Add a delay between button actions
  • When user adds a new word to a vocabulary, it automatically gets added to the active Vocabulary Builder list.
  • Wake on gaze – wakes an Accent 1400 with Look eye tracking module from sleep mode simply by looking at the eye tracking module
    • Works for any Look module and for the Accent 1400 and 1400-30
  • Nuance voices can be added to voice options at time of purchase.
  • Updated cursor size for Accent 1400 with 4K display.
  • Prompt on first button for scanning when Auto Restart is ON has been updated.

 Accent with NuVoice 2.24

  • Added an Edge browser page and an updated Edge icon

Software Updates  -    empower, nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device