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TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC by PRC-Saltillo will discontinue support for iOS 12 & iOS 13 starting with the 2.40 release coming in December 2022.  Why? Wi...

    Software Updates   -  touchchat, lamp, lamp words for life, dialogue, dialogue aac, aac apps, aac, wordpower, ios aac apps, ios

Advance Your Knowledge With AAC Pro Coaching Clinic

  Posted on Jul 10, 2023 - 12:49pm

AAC Coaching Corner is expanding to serve professionals through the AAC Pro Coaching Clinic. Join this six-week virtual clinic consisting of five self-paced, eLearning modules and three live, online m...

    Training   -  aac coach

Adult Access Methods

  Posted on Nov 8, 2023 - 3:01pm

While the journey of augmentative and alternative communication, or AAC, begins for some in childhood, it’s an incredible option for adults as well. Individuals with language difficulties acquir...

Empower® software update 1.21 brings even more digital engagement for new generation Accent® 1400 devices. Join-In the fun of Facebook™ and Messenger Join-In web apps, created by a par...

    Software Updates

Access Your World With Versa

  Posted on Apr 7, 2023 - 9:13am

For home, school, work, and play, explore new Versa™ accessories for the everyday, on-the-go iPad® user. Versa adds protection, amplification, and accessibility to your iOS experience (iPad ...

    Versa   -  prc-saltillo, aac, versa, versawrap, versaspeaker, versaeye, hiru, eye tracker, irisbond, eye tracking, touchchat, dialogue, bluetooth speaker, ios, ipados, ipad

Accent® Software Updates Are Here!

  Posted on Feb 24, 2022 - 1:25pm

It’s time to update your Accent device to the newest software version – Empower 1.14 or NuVoice 2.24. Here are some of the cool new features you’ll find in the latest updates: Accen...

    Software Updates   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, accent, accent device

AAC Vocabulary For An Aphasia Diagnosis

  Posted on Jul 30, 2024 - 11:04am

This is the first article of a three-part series on AAC and aphasia created from an interview with the co-authors of the AAC vocabulary Communication Journey: Aphasia. Special thanks to Lois Turner, A...

    Educational Resources   -  aac for aphasia, speech therapy for aphasia

AAC Technology Features For Back-to-School Success

  Posted on Jul 23, 2024 - 10:22am

Get your AAC solution back-to-school ready! Start by updating your device or app to the latest software version, then explore these additional features from across the Accent®, NovaChat®, Via&...

AAC Group Coaching

  Posted on Oct 7, 2021 - 9:41am

New! For parents/caregivers interested in learning how to be more effective when interacting with a child using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Working with a new speech-generatin...

    Training   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communication, aac coaching, coaching for aac, aac help coach

Make plans to join us for summer learning with the four-week AAC for Families Summer Series from Minspeak Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) at PRC-Saltillo. Summer is often a more laid-ba...

    Training   -  prc, prc-saltillo, aac, minspeak academy, minspeak, unidad, unity, lamp, lamp words for life, language development, aac learning journey